Written by nasuha

6 Sep, 2022



How do I go about requesting a transfer ownership TIME?

First, click Settings > Manage Plan > Transfer Ownership on your Self Care dashboard. Fill out the form and submit it, our team will process your request to transfer ownership as soon as possible.

How long does it take to complete the transfer ownership TIME Plan?

Generally, the request will be fulfilled 14 working days after it is submitted. From this point on, the new owner will be responsible for bill payment.

how to terminate time internet 2

Will my nominee have to make any upfront payments?

Usually, if your nominee is not a Malaysian citizen or permanent resident, they must pay an RM500 foreigner deposit. This amount will be charged in advance.

I’ve already paid the foreigner deposit. Can I give it to my nominee?

No, since your deposit will be repaid to you directly by bank transfer or online banking according to the registered account previously.

What can I do if my nominee is staying somewhere else?

Finally, after the transfer ownership TIME is complete, the nominee can request that the service be relocated through Self Care. To submit a request, go to Settings > Manage Plan > Relocate Service.

how to terminate time internet 2

Here are some suggestion of other broadband plan, that you can look into 🙂

Click on the picture below and it will direct you to website that offered the best internet broadband plan for you, such as Unifi Broadband, Maxis Plan and Allo City Broadband.

broadband plan banner

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